Sunday, December 18, 2011

Random Questions

Page 1,961 of the Random
House Unabridged Dictionary
is a world of testaceans and testicles,
the latter vulnerable, the former
protected by a bony shell. They squat
among test-tube babies and tessera,
thankfully past caring about Tesla’s coils.

If I’d been born in 1961 with
testicles, would I have married
me? And would we have divorced,
and I have lost the children? Would I,
like you, have grown testaceous,
drawn into the arched and vaulted
safe house I constructed
and now carry on my back?

What if randomness isn’t
random: testaceans deliberately
sidle up to testicles, page numbers
point, every sign leads inward,
each connection presses down?

If life is a test with 1,961 questions,
will I pass? I’d like to ask a turtle
if the shell is worth the weight.
I’d like to ask the Tester,
which tessera am I, a holy tile
in Your mosaic, or merely
a fragment of bone?


Glynis said...

An extraordinary poem. Although my father and mother were married in 1948, it does sound like a poem for my father to ponder over.

Mary Carol said...

Thanks Glynis! I'm glad we connected on Melody's blog, and that you enjoyed the poem. Mary Carol

Leace said...

WOW, what a great poem!! I used to write poems a long time ago, so I know a good one when I see it...and this was outstanding!!

Mary Carol said...

Thanks Leace! I love hearing from fellow poets! Why don't you start writing again? I'd love to read where you are now in your life. Peace, Mary Carol

Patricia said...

I was amazed by your poetic words and enjoyed each segment with great interest and feeling.

Thank you so much for sharing this
Very nice writing and I liked the word choice too...I wonder what is on my dictionary page 1,961?

Kim said...

Beautiful poem, where do you usually write them by hand or on a computer?

Mary Carol said...

Hi Kim, Thanks for checking out my poems! I usually write on computer, though if inspiration strikes in an unusual location, I'll jot the words down on whatever's handy. Do you write poems too? Hug, Mary Carol